Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Rest of the Week

Today- Try to get 2-4 miles in. Right now the snow isn't bad but it will pick up by this afternoon. If you have access to a treadmill or a gym, great. If you can't get outside try to do some stretching or yoga or something. Just have to flush out your legs from yesterday's workout.

Thursday-EASY run and strides. We will practice handoffs and those jumping can practice jumping instead of running.

Friday- The consensus was that we would have practice at 9:30 and meet on the track. I will clear a section off so we can practice handoffs. We will be doing virtually nothing. Please dress appropriately since we will still do our visualization exercise but it will have to be outside. I believe Jill said she is going to wear her snow suit so that is something to look forward to. I do not want to hear complaints about it being cold/snowy/uncomfortable. You have enough time to prepare yourself for the conditions and I want to have a good practice before our meet.

Saturday- State LL Class Meet. The meet will start at 10:00AM and our bus leaves at 7:30AM. Plan on arriving at school no later than 7:20. The meet should go by fairly quickly since there is another class meet that begins at 4:00pm and I am sure they would want to clear the place out before all the other teams arrive.

Sunday- Everyone off

We have the potential to do very well at this meet. Everyone has put in the work, we just need to focus and prepare mentally. We will determine a practice schedule for next week for those who qualify for the State Open. The State Open takes place the following Saturday. For parents interested in attending either meets, they will take place at the New Haven Field House. I hope everyone is enjoying their snow day. Take this time to relax and get yourself ready for Saturday.

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